skeletron progress:
known issues:
- websockets, no more pageloading needed
- smart communication of data so clicking through the site is seemless as it already knows where you might go
- new boner system
- boner optimisation
- font optimisation: Unreal, Cloister Black, Barbarian, Total Death, Feast, Thunder Titan, Bones, Skullmund, Monster, Console, maybe Dominator and Google Spies need to see if i will keep those
- font format fallbacks for older browsers
- new explosion system
- blood navigation: styling, links, icons
- dragon eyes
- footer mund: styling, links, icons
- hate nest
- skeletron server
- migrations: posts, mundskulls, mundskull icons, threads, thread icons, hatings, avatars, steam integration, smilies, bb codes, skullspiders web, boners
- communications: posts, mundskulls, mundskull icons, threads, thread icons, hatings, avatars, steam integration, smilies, bb codes, skullspiders web, boners
- dragon pillars
- skullspiders web: web, banners, support for weird screen sizes (phones)
- forest of woe: skull count, avatars, different levels of woe, support for weird screen sizes (phones)
- new login/account creation system with ghost skulls instead of ghosts
- hate text
- hatings: styling, optimisation, working
- johnny
- investigate possibility to offload main thread work to separate threads using webworkers
- investigate performance of locally storing data and tracking remote changes
- what if i compress a png so much that it turns into a black hole
- bugs: login system cookies are fucked, sometimes the threads dont load
- support for older processors
- top: styling, post button, page navigation links, page navigation styling, boners, hating burner
- threads: styling, thread name, thread link, thread icons, avatar of first poster, avatar of last poster, link to last page, hatings, hover, see which threads have new posts, scale text
- catacombs: styling, fix stained hate glass, page navigation, page navigation styling, boners
- thread editor: styling, posting
- immediately see new threads
- support for weird screen sizes (phones)
- posts: display, styling, hatings, being able to hate, seeing new hatings immediately
- boners: top, bottom
- skullspider: rollbones, rummage, poker
- post editor: styling, typing, posting, wysiwyg
- bb codes: hate text, smilies, underlining, bold, italic, lists, image urls, image uploading, youtube urls, fonts, size, colour, lists, alignment, links
- profiles
- support for weird screen sizes (phones)
- support old thread ids in links
- hatelogo 2.0
- forest of woe
- hardcore icons
- more skulls, lightning, blood, explosions and hate text
- better distinction between fullskulls and halfskulls
- improved banner system
- more fonts
- more interactivity
- animated cursors nvm this is fucking impossible fuck you chrome fuck you firefox fuck you edge and whatever else shit
- replace all plain colours (prefix menu, error message, some account edit pages, your changes has been saved popup thing)
- most rated ratings in threadlist
- hate navigation for mobile
- the tower needs to look as hardcore as threads
- make a new steam integration system because the current one that sib bought for like $100,000 but in pounds sucks ass
- make an even better steam integration system so you dont need to use the steam code but can also enter a url
- make a new profile system
- make member tooltip cooler
- add more features to profiles
- make a new alert system with explosions
- rework the rating system allowing to see who rated a rating when you hover it, eliminating the need for the overlay when you click on a rating.
- make a new system for hwen you upload/paste images so theyre not actually stored on the shit server that cant handle it at all
- start a webring
- make it so skullspider doesnt suck
- top secret goldar system
- combined bones font
- errors should look cooler and be badass and make you go hell yeah even tho the mund is fucked up to all hell you get a cool error thing that pwns
- make it so your skull icon can be changed easily and changing your account details looks a bit cooler (changing av popup shit is fucked) i think the floppy icon could be better and maybe some interlacing black lines could be cool for the text fields
- add a secret banner page
known issues:
- hate editor is fucked when editing posts on screens with width smaller than 1471px
- hate member tooltip doesnt expand with the content
- ratingcounts dont expand with content (not really a problem rn tho as it would imply 10+ people rating a post the same)
- gif avatars dont work if theyre larger than 190x190 or something like that, its propably a good idea to try and stop hosting avatars on the mund
- new dragdrop copypaste system progress bar still looks shitty
- if you click post while the image is uploading it gets fucked and you get an error that your post is empty
- forest of woe only includes the ones who have the most skullmund ratings (and person looking at forest)
- top page navigation in threads doesnt scale well to some screen sizes
- theres still lots of redundant and buggy xenforo shit to remove (follow system, message system)
- popups from hate editor can fuck up the screen when they go outside the lines
- the jquery is giving off warnings, wtf
- skullspider crashes when it reads a post by a deleted account
- the stained glass windows in the skull basement are bugged on firefox and dont flash at the same time in chrome (theres actually a bug in chrome that i keep telling those fuckers to fix but they still havent)
- theres some god damn firefucks bugs fucking hell
- rating count sizes are ignored in determining thread title box size
- theres dom elements leaking from the tower into the other pages
- forest is fucked on mobile
- posting thread is fucked on mobile
- signature edit screen is fucked
- skullshipder only has the !rummage command right now
- on really small screens (320px wide) the account menu can overflow horizontally
- halfskulls are missing some ratings
- when you just made a post where it detects image links and turns those into images, you dont see the images until you refresh the page
- skullspider doesnt work when you create a new thread