the Future of Hate


hivemund soldier
it shows the most rated rating so you can see if a thread is a smokothread or a shrimpthread or whatever


hivemund soldier
the hate theme banners are fucked up on my phone. will try to fix this


hivemund soldier
i removed some moderator buttons (if you want to mod just kill yourself) and fixed banners on phones


hivemund soldier
removed some sneaky mod buttons it should be completely impossible to edit other peoples profiles from the hate theme now fuck that mod shit


hivemund soldier
implemented first piece of the hate editor (for now only for screens with a width of 1440px or more)


hivemund soldier
implemented hatings
will still bug when it reaches double digits (luckily theres only 6 users on this site so that will never happen)
also i want it to look slightly different if the rating was done by you (but this requires looking into the god awful xenforo/addon code)
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hivemund soldier
im looking for a picture to make the default av in the hate theme
remember the default av we used to have with a skull robot saying just post that was made by jive?
im thinking something like that but hate themed
@JIVe do you have an idea for a hate theme default av?


originally the default av was one of the skeletons from Jason and the Argonauts swishing its sword but it was too hard to get a better av than that so SIB changed it


rev snockets
take away all of dgsw's mod powers and let him finally come to terms with being an impotent little faggot who cant even control the smallest aspects of his own life