
mund born bastard
i was watching the opening scene of the villainess again and it still owns hard as fuck
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that rules one cool thingis how nobody is like getting knockoed out by one kick everyopne is getting violently slaughtered
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mund born bastard
ya true that owns, when you fight a horde of enemies and they are easily knocked out its easy but when its a menacing horde of bloodthirsty hellbent enemies then you need insane power to slay them


mund born bastard
thing that would own most: kyriakos grizzly movie
if all the enemies pile on him he could actually throw them away like an explosion of power without it looking fake he can do it
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he walks into the army and pushes them all infront of him until they are against a wall and then they get crushed and explode
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he tore his bicep hes too powerful for his bicep I think thats how it works
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YO! MTV Faps

YO! MTV Faps

Should this poster ever have been born?
imagine if your thoughts caused nuclear explosions so you had to medicate yourself into retardation or the world would blow up
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mund born bastard
  nice meltdown 
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YO! MTV Faps

YO! MTV Faps

Should this poster ever have been born?
thanks. it was just a random thought i had


mund born bastard
fun test if you click on the weird yellow icon in the bottom right corner it opens some fucked up code


mund born bastard
the hate theme is really fucking up the indian dick pill scam bots
they keep making accounts then changing all their account information multiple times and then they just lurk in the chamber of screams for a while