But when Star Wars come to you and start blasting lazers all over, what are you goning to do? You gotta fight back! You gotta grab up a blaster rifle and get on the back of a snow thing and figth against them!!! Shoot your guns!! Shoot at the sky and kill them!! They caan't just shoot at Hoth like a bunch of crazy assholes because I don't want them to!! I'm Commander Hoth and I'm goint to fight these Star Wars guys all the way back into space where they came from!! Just you wait! Just get in line behind me buddy!! Because I'm ready to go out there and shoot these dang old Star Wards in their GOCK DAMN FACES with mwy infantry weapons!! GET BACK INTO SPACE! GO BACK TO SPACE YOU STUPID PEINISES!! GET YOUR SHIT OFF OF MY PLANET, HOTH!! GO ON OUT OF HERE STAR WARS!!!!!!!!