It;'s cold as shit. I wish I was dead and in hell.
Ork of Fiction Wait a minute, okay? 20 May 2018 #1 20 May 2018 #1 It;'s cold as shit. I wish I was dead and in hell.
T REX WITH A GUN ROOAR! *bang* *bang* RROOAARR! 20 May 2018 #2 20 May 2018 #2 the ice cathedral could use a space heater and I'm tired of sucking on wine cubes for communion
death munderfucker 20 May 2018 #4 20 May 2018 #4 if you think 0 kelvin is the coldest possible temperature youve never been to hoth hell
fuck DTF 4 USD 21 May 2018 #5 21 May 2018 #5 trying to rest on the sabbath but I have to keep moving to stop my heart shutting down
T REX WITH A GUN ROOAR! *bang* *bang* RROOAARR! 21 May 2018 #6 21 May 2018 #6 hoth is the only thing colder then the heart of that barista who won't go out with me. that's how cold hoth is, gothy barista heart cold
hoth is the only thing colder then the heart of that barista who won't go out with me. that's how cold hoth is, gothy barista heart cold
cornbread Guest 22 May 2018 #7 22 May 2018 #7 ௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌ said: hell on hoth is even colder god is fake and owes me money
ௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌ said: hell on hoth is even colder god is fake and owes me money
reptile dysfunction gimme dat 23 May 2018 #10 23 May 2018 #10 wait do i need to add a theme to change font?