bearpocalypse megathread RIP AND TEAR


hivemund soldier
welcome to bear planet where theres a fuckton of bears and all the buildings are made of spikes and shit is exploding all the time
and castles made of bone with guards with axe guitars as weapons
also death bears erupting from the bowels of hair with double bladed swords that they hold in their mouth



hivemund soldier
theres a virus going around where theres millions of tiny bears and they eat you from inside and then when theyre full they sleep in an adorable tiny bear pile

demonic bears with two rows of skullcrushing fangs
bears that turn into rockets and blow shit up kamikaze
bears with rockets for teeth and when they bite in they blow up into another wave of tiny bears all sloshing around eating people



hell yes

op you are the best


hivemund soldier
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hivemund soldier


hivemund soldier
chainsaw bears