10 reasons why hate tower is the cooler place not filled iwth goblins who put things on ur screen that don't pwn


Heh, welcome to my dark harvest
1. hate
2. fucking pwns cause its a tower made out of bricks and hatred emotion

skeletal combatant.gif
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mund born bastard
the hate tower is made from the skulls and blood of my enemies
garfield hentai

garfield hentai

pee pisser
welcome to the hate tower
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mund born bastard
forged in fire and steel and blood and monster energy
YO! MTV Faps

YO! MTV Faps

Should this poster ever have been born?
hate. let me tell you how much i've come to hate you since i began to live. there's 200000000 gallons of cum that fill each of my balls. if the word 'hate' engraved on each strand of DNA in the hundreds of quintillions of sperm swimming in my man juice it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate i feel for humans at this micro-instant for you. hate. hate."
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mund born bastard
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YO! MTV Faps

YO! MTV Faps

Should this poster ever have been born?
i like the explosions. sometimes i just click on shit and pretend like i'm launching nukes at uzbekistan
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