bionicle megathread hell yea


wow hey
u ever climb a tree so u can have epic bionicle fights i reccomend it also if ur bioncle falls u have 2 jump off
Hell yeah!!!


hivemund soldier
did you guys ever see transformers movies 4 and 5
transformers r cool but in 4 and 5 theres transformers dinos and dragons its insane
penis flytrap

penis flytrap

I liked the Throwbots, they were pretty dumb but still fun and the ball-joint pieces were revolutionary for Lego dhjsj7dvtis01.jpg
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I liked the Throwbots, they were pretty dumb but still fun and the ball-joint pieces were revolutionary for Lego dhjsj7dvtis01.jpg
Yeah I had one of those too also it rode a motorbike ultimate discstruction
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penis flytrap

penis flytrap

I still have them too, I don't have the cool plastic spaceships they came in but I've got the whole set, including the guy who comes with a motorcycle/can be built as a giant-size one

Oh man I just thought about it but tossing the discs would probably be a ton of fun with my cat!
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Collector of Skulls
They were so great. I used to have all 6 Metru Nui bionicles but I don't know where they are now. Toa_Metru.jpg

Vakama as always my favorite because he was red (the best color in the universe) and he had a disk launcer.
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