Gay The Neosaur 22 May 2020 #19 22 May 2020 #19 i think there's only two things required to ensure that a sequel be good. MORE CRAZY WEAPONS AND MORE ENEMIES TO USE THEM ON!!!!
i think there's only two things required to ensure that a sequel be good. MORE CRAZY WEAPONS AND MORE ENEMIES TO USE THEM ON!!!!
fuck DTF 4 USD 12 Jul 2020 #22 12 Jul 2020 #22 terminator was pretty cool but this guy does it wrong your supposed to put in both your coins at once so you can dual wield like rambo
terminator was pretty cool but this guy does it wrong your supposed to put in both your coins at once so you can dual wield like rambo
Gay The Neosaur 12 Jul 2020 #23 12 Jul 2020 #23 fuck quarters instead have it be free to play and but if you lose a big robot arm comes out on harvests your skull
fuck quarters instead have it be free to play and but if you lose a big robot arm comes out on harvests your skull