

Lord of Bad Taste
Didn't know the profile was going to make a thread. Anyway, check out my Doom Maps and stuff. Love the chaos here.


hivemund soldier
ya we used to have a really shitty profile system that had all kinds of limits that threads dont have
so i made profiles into threads, only difference right now from a regular thread is that your avatar links to it and it shows all the ratings youve ever received too
i may add more stuff to profiles in the future


hivemund soldier
definitely some cool stuff going on on dannarchy.com, we posted about the site years ago in some cool sites thread or something

i checked out the AIA doom maps
its really cool but the styling is a bit inconsistent
it makes me wonder if an AI (or a combination of AIs) could be trained to create such textures but using the original doom textures as training set
bit hopeful maybe but that way the generated textures might look as if they are from the original doom game


Lord of Bad Taste
Yeah, it's a proof of concept. I think most of the texture results are coming from stuff like 3D texture-mapping images, so it doesn't feel very Doom-ish.