new graveyard business plan


hivemund soldier
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ok lets go:
  • 1. get all the dino bones
  • 2. bury the dino bones in a dino graveyard
  • 3. ???
  • 4. dino skeleton apocalypse
  • 5. thanks graves
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U notice how those scientists that gave scales and teeth back to chickens by editing their dna stopped doing it
they're scared of the dinosaur apocalypse from fresh dino bones, cowards
I think we should take their fossils and put them together in cool ways, like give a t-rex triceratops heads for arms
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hivemund soldier
ya imfo they should give skeletons to bugs also and generally just do more stuff thats potentially pocalyptic to keep things interesting
fuck already figured out how 2 put the dino bones 2gether hang on il raise the dead
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