giant snakes
proof of concept

proof of concept

waiting for the day the whole world fucking dies
you want a giant snake?
I've got a fuckin giant snake for ya


When you need a scapegoat, right now!
Going old school

YO! MTV Faps

YO! MTV Faps

Should this poster ever have been born?
Ork of Fiction

Ork of Fiction

Wait a minute, okay?


wow hey
thanks everybody good hustly
Psycho Society

Psycho Society

The snake represents of cocks of all the men who want to impregnate his slave girl (ie all other men in the multiverse except Cohen here)
Psycho Society

Psycho Society

The slave girl would be fine if the snake murders the barbarian or other the way around. It's whatever.
Psycho Society

Psycho Society

You see the snake is also in chains so maybe both are slaves and the man is the real snake? Makes you think. What's the one thing he has that the rape snake doesn't? Balls. Balls make you evil