I used to think Flashpoint was the best, there's a bit where it's the police chief's last day before retirement and the bad guy puts a bomb in the cake, nowadays I probably prefer something a bit more lively.
Did they ever make a film where there's a guy with four arms like Motaro and he uses kung fu to murder a bunch of policemen? That would be a good film. Like maybe he punches a guy with his bottom arms and cracks his ribs then lands vertical hammer fists to oinkers on either side of him
he could tear off somebody's jaw bone w/ two hands while doing Zangief's tornado clothesline with the other two, scenes like that would be good, is that a film?
Did they ever make a film where there's a guy with four arms like Motaro and he uses kung fu to murder a bunch of policemen? That would be a good film. Like maybe he punches a guy with his bottom arms and cracks his ribs then lands vertical hammer fists to oinkers on either side of him
i think you mean goro, hes in the first mortal kombat movie which kicks major ass that movie rules
yeah that's what I meant sorry Motaro was the centaur with the robot scorpion tail
The original film was very good my brother recorded it one time, and I was honestly very excited when the sequel was made.
Did they ever make a film where there's a guy with four arms like Motaro and he uses kung fu to murder a bunch of policemen? That would be a good film. Like maybe he punches a guy with his bottom arms and cracks his ribs then lands vertical hammer fists to oinkers on either side of him
i think you mean goro, hes in the first mortal kombat movie which kicks major ass that movie rules
the awesome goro costume with robot arms no longer exists, the sfx shop that made it ripped it apart because they needed to scavange some parts for another thing they were working on :(
i firgot about some awesome jack chan movie like Police Story, Meals on Wheels, Dragons Forever, etc.
police story rules because during the final fight scene in the shopping mall the stuntmen all got in a dick measuring contest over who could do the most dangerous stunt and break the most glass
The Good, The Bad, The Weird is a korean tribute to spaghetti westerns that has some really good action on top of being an all-around legitimately great movie