Darsen's Live Journal: Hellscape


mund born bastard
dear darasen hellsacpe diary
you ever seek enlightenment beneath eternally shifting sands to only find damnation
getting lost in endless catacombs
hearing chanting as the walls seem to move ever closer
Bye Darren

Bye Darren

dear darasen hellsacpe diary
you ever seek enlightenment beneath eternally shifting sands to only find damnation
getting lost in endless catacombs
hearing chanting as the walls seem to move ever closer
That's what I call "Tuesday". You?
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mund born bastard
fuck its not even tuesday today what the fuck
fucking hellscape
Bye Darren

Bye Darren

Before any great undertaking it is best to seek council. This is why I always call a lawyer before I buy shoes.

Also I think my little brown baby friend looks like a naked Larry Fine in blackface
black.jpg 220px-Larrydisorder.jpg
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mund born bastard
dear darsen hellscape diary this shit sucks its not hardcore enough i need to make it more hardcore for the tower of hate

ps: yea he does


mund born bastard
i used to have rockstar energydrink shoes lmso
i dont remember what happened to them but i replaced them with nike commanders
commanders is a cool name for shoes


mund born bastard
i dont need lawyers to fuck up my shit for me i can do that myself
Bye Darren

Bye Darren

THE real hell here is trying to type while the cursor is 15 sections behind me. FUCKING BROOOOOOOOTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL

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Bye Darren

Bye Darren

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Bye Darren

Bye Darren

Live Undead - Slayer (Studio Version) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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mund born bastard
i like the part where he screams and then screams some more
hell yeah


meet me outside
this thread is very convenient

will read again